How to Spot & Fix Leaks in Your Windows

Drafty Window FixNo one likes leaks. Especially in their windows. Window leaks that let air or moisture into your home can drive up your energy bills by allowing warm or cool air to counteract your air conditioner or furnace, not to mention added moisture or wetness can cause damage to your home. If you’re experiencing either of these issues, you might have some window leaks. While a window replacement might be needed, sometimes a small fix is all it takes. It just depends on the severity of the leak. Here’s how to spot them and fix window leaks before they cause even more damage.

Feel It Out

The first step to remedying the situation is finding where your window leaks are. If you have an air leak, put your hand an inch or two away from the window and feel around for a draft of wind. This is usually near the frame of the window.

If it is a moisture or water leak, look for tell-tale signs like condensation between glass panes in a certain location, or soggy or damaged wood or frame.

Caulk Like a Pro

One of the best ways to seal a leak is with caulk. This plastic-foam material expands in the gap to seal the problem. Caulk is best used in cracks where the window meets the frame or where the frame meets the wall in both windows and doors. It’s not a good solution for cracked or broken glass panes in windows or doors. If that’s your problem, call a window expert who can either replace your pane or recommend a replacement window for you.

If you’ve determined caulking is the right course of action, here’s how to ensure you seal the problem off for good:

  • Cut the tip off of a tube of caulk and load the tube into a caulking gun. Push the plunger up to meet the end of the tube.
  • Position the tip of the tube against a gap around the edge of the window that is less than 1/4 inch wide. Squeeze the trigger to apply caulk over the gap.
  • If the gaps are large, push foam backer rod into the gaps with the end of a putty knife. Apply caulk over the foam backer rod to seal the gap.
  • Spray expandable foam into gaps too large to fill with foam backer rod and allow the foam to dry completely. Cut away excess foam with a utility knife, then apply caulk over the foam.

Call Blue Springs Siding & Windows today at (816) 228-5225 if your window leaks can’t be fixed with caulk. We can come out to your home and recommend a glass fix or a window replacement depending on the severity of the leak. Ensuring you have less air leakage is key to keeping your home more energy efficient.

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